Nope. It is on the weaker person to not require the more powerful person to injure them in self-defense. If the weaker individual will not stop assaulting the stronger person, until the stronger person uses overwhelming force, that is the a course of action the weaker person required them to do. Read more
I wouldn't call this season "good racing". When you have more than 5 cars not finishing races because of mechanical issues in a number of races, it means the cars are unreliable shit and the "racing" and "drama" you are seeing is only a result of the absurd and stupid rule changes resulting in needlessly complicated… Read more
She offered sex and received career advancement and personal gain. That's exactly what a whore does. Being a whore is THE definition of Female Privilege. Men do not have the privilege of offering their bodies in exchange for monetary and personal advancement in capacity near the level of a female. Read more
If your name is Julia, then you may want to skip this one.