
So you're ok with a bunch of white, liberal hipsters in Brooklyn, NYC and couple University Professors getting to determine the cultural rules for an entire country? Read more

Examiner: All right, here's your last question. What was the cause of the Civil War?
Apu: Actually, there were numerous causes. Aside from the obvious schism between the abolitionists and the anti-abolitionists, there were economic factors, both domestic and inter...
Examiner: Wait, wait... just say slavery.
Apu: Read more

I am not from the South, so I will not define what the Rebel/Confederate flag means to those who display it. Read more

We'll go with the US dollar. Read more

Why are you accusing so many black people of being racist? Read more

Good point. The new, revisionist's history is the best history. Read more

There's such better options for Germany than the Swastika, because that is the symbol of the National Socialist German Worker's Party. Read more

Just how exactly is money created? Also, please explain Quantitative Easing. Read more

Nope, I'm friends with actual bankers and I read the news. Read more

George Washington was a traitor to the British Crown. Why do you lionize traitors as heroes? Read more

So what should I tell the black folks who have a Confederate flag sticker on their car? Read more

Of course not, but then again Obama was Corporation's #1 choice for President. Read more

Keep reading, shit for brains. I go into the Fed and Goldman Sachs and all that shit further down. Read more

Good point. We should abolish the US flag as well since the Founding Fathers were pretty disloyal and rebelled quite a bit. Read more

Why didn't the North invade and start the war first if they cared so much about freeing the slaves? Read more

Because none were ever killed by those bearing the Stars and Stripes?

Nope. There was a ton of shit going on and Lincoln didn't really give more than 10 shits about slavery. Notice how he didn't free the slaves until well into the war and only the ones in the South? Read more

These facts don't matter, only their indoctrination based on feels. Read more

Nah, Slavery was legal in Britain until 1833. Read more