Patrick Frawley

If I’m counting right this is the second major loss from the early Gawker era within the span of a few months. (Primeval Jalopnik writer and all-around great human being Davey G. Johnson died in a freak river-swimming incident back in June.) Read more

Yes, it’s a complete twist of my original point, but take it as inspiration instead of a real response. Read more

We were in LA in late March and decided to see if there was anything to the In-N-Out hype. Read more

For a film that was all but timed for Baby Boomers stepping into adulthood, Benjamin Braddock is an almost perfect foretelling of a stereotypical white Gen X kid. Read more

One point that might have been missed, depending on perspective and background knowledge: I’m curious about the onboard connectivity situation. Given that some GM products run their own wifi hotspots, how does this interface with the outside? Or is over-the-air connectivity so consistently good in Japan that this Read more

I sort of understand that Lotus had to do something big for their “allow me to reintroduce myself” play, but this doesn’t make much difference in the greater scheme of things until we get a $50,000 500-hp electric neo-Elise or the like. Read more

Someone writing about the USWNT and the accompanying busload of controversy about the grandstanding and Trump-bashing pointed out that there was a fair bit of Ali in what they were doing. Read more

Decent shape, preferred pre-facelift look, most importantly...

A proper factory E34 M5 Touring in excellent shape may be worth that ask. Not certain, but worth debating. Read more

Trying to remember who it was that said that as far as Fox News is concerned, being a brunette is a physical deformity. Read more

WoF and dickhead right-wing hosts: Coincidence or some sneaky underlying reason? Read more

The wallet showed up when they went through and checked all the pockets in his bike pants a few days later. Minor update but definitely lifts one sinister shadow in the story. Read more