Patrick Frawley

How about a base Porsche Macan?

Citroën is approaching GM’s mastery of teasing us with desirable concepts that never make production.

Hesitant NP. The body kit is all kinds of wrong, but prices for solid YJs are starting to creep up. This may be correct market. Read more

Minus the silliness jutting out the hood, this is what that car is supposed to look like. Read more

Oh, I could - and probably would - spend way more on much simpler if I wanted (and had the ability). Read more

It’s a Speedster. Simple is best.

I understand and appreciate why you think this is funny, and I have no problem with that. Read more

For those of us who are disciples of the cult these kind of machines are intensely appealing. Read more

Casual Meine Wagen ist schneller als deine Wagen” contests have been part of Autobahn life forever. Read more

Engine, motor, source of propulsion in general, WHAT-EVERRRRRRRRR, man. Read more

The first sentence of the second paragraph starts with a notification about how the global market for cars is soft - a worrying leading indicator of a likely recession - and then we are left to ponder Ford’s strategy of relying on vehicles which are by nature more costly, both to purchase (if admittedly more Read more