Patrick Frawley

I’ve now seen this headline a few times over the last day or so, and every time I read it as Read more

Ella was the technical virtuoso. Sarah was the improvisational acrobat. Billie was the speaker of truths about what it means to be human, especially a woman, especially a black woman. Read more

W123-chassis Mercedes 300TD.

Saw a WRX once with license plate “PELOTON”. Someone who likes to shop for the whole package, obviously. Read more

There are way, way worse songs to have stuck in your head. Signed, someone who once endured something like three days of inexplicabe mental shuffling between “Ebony and Ivory” and Billy Joel’s “Keeping the Faith”. No, I don’t either. Read more

Neutral: not sure about greatest. Worst? Easier, if a more circumscribed situation: all the chicanes that were built everywhere after Senna was killed. Long uninterrupted straights were apparently now recognized as the work of Satan waiting to snare drivers who outran their guardian angels. (Never mind that, for Read more

So the old engine photos with the clear Lucite velocity stacks were just an empty block and heads? Yow. Read more

Colman’s is the ultimate burger condiment. A cheeseburger using good sharp cheddar with a decent but not excessive smear of Colman’s and occasionally a few rings of red onion and you have one of the peak foods in the Western canon. Read more

In a lot of ways the E30 is the perfect New York City car: close-coupled dimensions, lots of glass and a low beltline, immensely strong body structure, quick reflexes, dated but well-known tech, and if it gets dented it doesn’t totally ruin the lines. And even more fun when you escape the Tri-State region in general. Read more

Malaria. Peter Egan once said that racing was like malaria: it goes into remission, you think you’re fine, then out of nowhere BOOM you’re sweaty and irrational as it seizes your system again. Same here. Read more

Whiny Seb is still Seb, who is still the master team leader. He is involved, he is conscientious, he works with everyone to make sure everything is as developed and synchronized and prepared as possible. He learned it from Schumacher and perfected it at Red Bull. Read more