Patrick Frawley

Series nerd/car geek question: Is the Lotus Seven back?

As a mere peon who possesses no 570GTs but did discreetly mixed with the elect at Caffeine & Carburetors in New Canaan yesterday and observed a plethora of McLaren products scattered about and proceeding hither and yon...wait, why the hell am I writing like this? Dammit, Mike. Read more

I’ve seen a few different Honda Beats.

1. 1969 Porsche 912. Mom’s car when I was a little kid. I don’t remember Dad’s BMW 2002, but I do remember kicking around in this a little bit - and I think some of it stuck with me.

A quasi-autonomous crossover, a minicar, and something from Infiniti as noteworthy products here. Read more

C’mon, dude. Ray would have never allowed this to happen back in the day. (Ask me how I know on some days.) Suck it up here and do the right thing. Read more

I love and cherish the fact that someone in this world is so concerned about - and so good at - making a machine just like this. Read more

These are what the smart cars should have been. The roadsters came way close. Read more

If you’re concerned about day-to-day reliability, X1/9s make fantastic smallbore race cars.

This shows up once in a while with BMWs through the ages. The E30 M3 is some sort of icon of maximum Bavarian race breeding now, but back when it was on sale both popular opinion and the experts said that the 325is was the better car - and some people still justifiably hold to this today. Read more

1. Depends on availability through a clockwork-recombinant schedule and a few other things going on. Read more

Well, hold on. There’s other reasonable solutions.