Patrick Frawley

Yes, you buy something that old it’s understood going in that it will need a fair bit of renewal of organic parts. That’s part of the budgeting situation. (Side note: That’s why I went with a cheap lease on something new last year when I had $5000 in hand instead of stuff I really wanted. Next time for sure!) This guy Read more

Without getting too New Age-y about it: Attitudes about brands in general are major expressions of the cultural consciousness. They take a lot of time and a lot of significant events to form, and short of a serious crisis changing a prevailing public opinion is a long-term campaign that requires patience and Read more

I can at least sympathize with the bodily-function part of your statement (I have missed at least one season-altering goal while peeing), but the brutal clock efficiency of a soccer match - 2x45 minutes with a decent 15-minute break, game over in two hours no questions asked- is its own brilliance. (League rugby Read more

Not sure if this is what you’re directly suggesting but rugby would work. Serious mix of speed and power, moves faster, still has its fair share of contact and struggle but not the truck collisions that make up American football. Read more

Gioacchino Colombo says hi, wishes to discuss a few things.

The Gallardo just might be the next sneaky all-purpose kind-of-budget sports car. There’s enough of them, they’re essentially good machines (danke, Audi!), and prices are still dropping. Read more

I suspect that Cleveland is also catching a lot of pass-through traffic, people between Detroit and Chicago and so on to the west and Pittsburgh and Buffalo and Rochester and a lot of small towns to the east. Read more

Talk with Jalop alumnus Justin Hyde, now proud owner of a Mk1 GTI. Read more

Next time someone at FIA wants to start talking about how to reduce costs in motor racing, sit that person down and show this. Read more

Those were mandatory on any proper tuned (or tuned-looking) VW in Germany from the late ‘80s onward. Absolute stone classic. Read more

Ugh ugh ugh. I so wanted a set of 15x7 Borbet Type Cs for my Audi Coupe GT.

Okay, so a run through the posted comments shows strong support for the belief that the 365/400/412 2+2s are NOT the worst Ferrari. Read more

BMW E21 320i. Has to be an early one with the two-liter motor and 4-speed.

Former Volvo wagon owner on the right.