Brian, The Life of

how about this: stop being a compulsive consumer and spend the holidays with those human beings who are precious to you and airing your grievances.

and this farce of pretending america (as a whole) gives a fuck about any “holidays” other than christmas is crap. just ask anyone who is of a religion other than christian Read more

I kind of love the honest, purposeful look of steelies. No pretense, just “I’m round and hold a tire” looks. Read more

They were.  I rarely see that now.. at least outside of big name auctions.  As the boomers who love these die off, these are gonna drop like a rock.  So if you like em, give em 10-15 years and pick one up for pocket lint. Read more

Stop making others do your research for you, you lazy POS. You are on the internet, use a search engine and figure it the fuck out.. Seriously, dog shit whistle-blowing fuck.
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Lada Niva Legend. As Motor 1 puts it:

The mechanicals on these are easy. Good paint and interior is far more important than a running engine, a new block is only about $2k. I’d be tempted if it wasn’t on the wrong side of the country. Read more

Or you have 3 kids and your wife dies of fucking cancer and you later remarry a woman who has no children but wants some. Read more

A white coal-roller in Texas is part of an in-group with police, and not to be bound by the law. Cyclists are “environmentalists”, an out-group not be afforded protection by the law.
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At this point we can confirm there are some connections, but have yet to see evidence of a city official directing the officer on the scene as to how to handle this particular situation. Read more

Wow, that’s basically the municipal equivalent of the Spanish Ecce Homo restoration. Read more

So they just straight up went Mr. Bean?

It’s an old meme sir, but it checks out. Read more

Below is a picture to show how bad it was:

Sounds like his area of expertise was...

Stop “just asking questions” if you won’t listen to the answers. Read more

Its been working for rolls 

Driving this vehicle absent a B pillar would be a different kind of suicide. Read more