Brian, The Life of

Im sure this is just for taking care of the rabid Corgi attacks that seem to happen when 3 wheel vehicles show up. Darts loaded with Bebob venom have been shown to be the only thing that will protect the articulate tri-wheeler pilot from dog-mination. Read more

Shit.  Crossing guards are higher too, and you don’t hear any “thin orange and reflective line” bullshit from them, do you? Read more

Also, in case people need to remember, driving a taxi is more fucking deadly than being a cop and no one thanks taxi drivers for their service and worships them as heroes. Read more

What your ignorant, false-dichotomy loving ass can’t seem to process is that there isn’t just “1 dogshit cop.” Every cop around them that is aware of it (and they are aware. If they aren’t seeing what’s in front of them they aren’t qualified to push a broom much less arrest people) and hasn’t done something about it Read more

You’re working awful hard to make your bootlicking not look like bootlicking but I can still smell the rubber and dog shit on your breath.  Read more

Except good protestors actively disown and call out those only there to loot or cause trouble. It’s the other side that does the whole “umbrella” thing. “Good cops” dont do that. They literally just ignore everything that goes on, lest they get fired or retaliated against. Read more

You think someone deserves to get PIT’d because they wanted to find a safe spot to pull over? Read more

NONE of them should end up with a cop being as asshole. Would that be ok for airline pilots or brain surgeons? Read more

I’m a clean cut white guy. I have had a gun to my twice during normal traffic stops, for no apparent reason. I had my unarmed stepmom shot to death by cops. I had a cop lie under oath in my case after I got arrested for pot.
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If all settlements were paid out of police pensions and retirement benefits, maybe they would turn each other in. It would never happen because police unions (not all unions) are literal scum.  Read more

“as long as there is literally 1 corrupt or dogshit cop, they’re all bad.”
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I don’t think you know what that word means.   Read more

Ted Bundy was 42 years old when he was executed for having committed 30 murders. Now when people hear the name “Ted Bundy” all they ever think about is those murders, and naturally they frown in disapproval, but do the arithmetic; on fewer than two tenths of a percent of the days in his life did he murder even one Read more

except they DO work for US. we pay their fucking salaries ostensibly so they will keep our roadways safe. you can nitpick all you want, but if your salary is coming out of my taxes, you fucking work for me. and this cop should be executed by firing squad for being a fucking asshole. Read more

“Why didn’t you stop?” Dunn questioned. Read more

Back at you, most interactions with the police aren’t filmed. If the ones that are filmed are this bad, what about the ones nobody sees? Read more

It’s called ND now, get with it. Read more

WAY after that time period, too. I mean, no one really batted an eye at Elvis and Priscilla, did they? And she was FOURTEEN. Read more

Please be aware: The word is “canon” and none of these characters is actually real. Blame the writers if you want to blame someone, but I’ll just imagine that these purely imaginary characters were more appropriately aged when they fucked, and continue enjoying Indiana Jones.  It’s really easy if you try. Read more