Brian, The Life of
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Here you go, Jose. I’m embarrassed to admit how many years of driving I failed at parallel parking in the first swipe before learning this easy method:

By the way, it’s pretty funny that for someone who seems to want to be the arbiter of who’s progressive and who’s not, you certainly seem to support a racist, anti-poor and anti-progressive program like Prop 13 all because you want to retain the wealth that your grandparents accumulated decades ago... :) Read more

Well, you’re using the “worst-case” scenario of an obviously wealthy set of retirees in a huge house but, yes. Basically because that means the retirees on a fixed income still living in their paid-for 1300sqft 3 br/1 ba home in Montebello can afford to stay in it until they physically can’t. That is the far more Read more

No. Where this falls on its face is the reason prop 13 passed in the first place: there was a real issue with retirees losing the home the paid off years previously and raised their families in because the real estate values in their area were causing their adjusted property values to drive tax bills they could no Read more

It’s a shining example of a good idea, poorly implemented. Prop 13 should benefit primary residences only, not 2nd homes and income property.  Read more

I mean, policing in America is more about fucking with the poor than anything else so - yeah, no shit Read more

Even worse that state police agencies are sheriff departments. There are as many of them as there are counties. Most of those podunk jurisdictions are run by the mayor’s brother, or some shit. Zero oversite with the power to seize property without just cause ... throw them ALL away. Read more

In Modern America, the elderly are “ignored, abused, and abandoned” because most of us have no other option. We have the choice of caring for them ourselves (a full-time job, so you have to quit the one that pays you) or finding some sort of “home” that somehow fits in your overall (theirs + your) budget so that you Read more

It is rare in the context of assuming 350M have interactions with the police - which is what your comment implied. At this point in the national dialog to hand wave away this shit as “rare” is disingenuous bootlicking. The fact that this happens on the regular coupled with the fact that the so-called “good cops” do Read more

Well, one thing for sure: the seller’s sense of humor is clearly pretty great

Well, I don’t think he deserves the death penalty but he could stand a few years in prison for felony A&B ... not to mention never being able to wear any sort of badge ever again. Read more

Now this is just the dumbest take. How many of the “350M people in this country” even have interactions with police to begin with? You’re moving the goal is a very big way. The fact that this shit happens (and is documented) all. the. time. is just fucking unacceptable. Our LEO culture is just plain broken and we need Read more

There is so fucking MUCH to “fix” about LEOs, I feel like we need to start over at this point Read more