
This is the correct response. Take your star. Read more

I assume the real price to get it back to the mainland and actually running and driving is something like $10k. A quick look around my area shows three MR2s of the same vintage, but with a manual, for less than $10k. Read more

Again...being an employee is different than being a Twitter user. To be clear, I think Twitter has every right to ban people, but being a customer is not the same as being an employee. Read more

When Tip Oneil and Clinton dragged the dems to the middle and really hijacked moderate conservative economics...the GOP just went so far right.  We dont prosecute corps in any meaningful way...let alone billionaires.  Elon wont face justice unless he costs some other wealthy people money.  Bernie Madoff was an Read more

Eh....the people twitter kicks off aren’t employees, they’re customers. While I do think twitter has the right to kick people off, it is their platform after all, this is an important distinction. Read more

Are you just saying that to agree with me?  I don’t understand... Read more

Then explain it. Concisely. Because the OP did in a way that is non-refutabble and concise. Read more

The fact that nearly every idiot who declares “freedom of speech” is completely apparently unaware of this fact, is what makes my brain hurt. Read more

I think she was claiming that several employees who signed it were pressured into. Presumably, the ones who (under threat of firing) confessed they had been pressured into signing it were not the ones fired, while those that did not repent were fired.  Read more

Free speech means the government can’t have you arrested and thrown in a dark hole for expressing yourself. It has no meaning in any situation outside of that.  Read more

While I think these employees are 100% on the money, I can’t think of a company in the US where You could do this and NOT have a SUPER high chance of getting fired, if not guaranteed. Read more

What is that woman smoking? Read more

Their dealers are the ones fighting tooth and nail against any pivot away from that market too, walk into a Harley dealers and they will do their best to sell you on the elderly dentist who cosplays as a seventies racist on weekends lifestyle. Anything other than that, and forget about it. Their dealers got high on Read more