
Not sure how I’m ignoring it - in fact that kind of thing fits perfectly well into another post of mine - the man can’t help himself when it comes to spouting off. He does something good - or intends to do something good - and then lets his ego / opinions take hold and make him look like an ass. Read more

Well I said in all in the context of rejecting a one dimensional vision of the man - and stating that generally don’t like a lot of what he says or does. Read more

Wasn’t this the plot of the movie “2010: The Year We Made Contact”?! Read more

This news is meh to me. I’d be more surprised if a company can actually prove they’re NOT cheating emissions in some way. Read more

I was thinking the same thing. The biggest issue might be the adapter to fit onto the Russian side, since I don’t think they use the same standard. Read more

Unexpected casualty of this Ukraine conflict: Read more

I do think “cheating” on mpg/emissions probably needs qualifiers post dieselgate. When VW’s defeat devices weren’t in use, some of the cars were emitting almost 40 fucking times the allowable limit of NOx. Much different than fudging half a mpg. Read more

I’m going to hazard a guess that it might be related to the PCV systems all cars run.  It burns off oil vapors created in a running engine.  Dirty oil is full of water and unburned fuel too.  It’s one reason short tripping is hard on cars. The oil never gets hot enough to burn off the contamination that all oil Read more

The problem wasn’t the exposure of the cheating. The problem was that cheating allowed them an unfair advantage and exposure took that advantage away. VW is where VW should have been if they had never cheated at all, not that they are behind where they would have been. The fines certainly were not enough to offset the Read more

My problem with the diesel “cheating” idea is that all emissions data is heavily idealized. None of the vehicles coming off of the assembly line actually match the emissions data the manufacturers submit, you’d be amazed how much little things affect the numbers. You can drain a quart of oil out of an engine and make Read more

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. Read more

As far as NATO’s concerned, having border conflict when trying to join is buying car insurance after you have a wreck.
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Again, Russia and the USSR are two different entities and if you can’t keep that straight, you might not be remotely qualified to comment on such things. Read more