David Obuchowski

Keep at it, and do it all your way. There’s less and less of a need for a label these days, particularly when you’re not out there trying to be world famous. Don’t get me wrong, labels are great, but there are drawbacks. And while it used to be advisable for bands to wait around for a good deal, Bandcamp and Spotify Read more

THAT LOOKS SICK! An SG/LP hybrid? Um, yeah, send one to me. I play an SG Custom and an LP Custom (Burny versions, not Gibson). Read more

Weird. My father gave me my grandfather’s (who I never met) old watch, that a factory gave him when he retired in ‘63. And all of a sudden I’m like, “I THINK I’M A WATCH GUY!” Read more

Hahahah true, at first you’re like “man, it’d be sweet to have a van all painted like...” And then after you do it long enough, park in sketchy areas enough, see bands get their shit stolen enough, you’re like, “okay, how can I make the van look like an incredible piece of shit that no one would ever want to go near, Read more

HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!! That’s amazing. Can’t match that. But I have a good beer/tour story: Read more

The crazy thing is that I know so many bands who buy those vans from churches to go on tour. I couldn’t get into it in this episode, but in an early draft, there was a discussion of what “kind” (condition) of van to get. But to put it simply, the problem is that for most bands starting out, they have NO money. So they Read more

To answer the question sincerely, the way it works is like this: I put together rough “drafts” (cuts, versions, whatever) of the episodes and send it to three people: Patrick, Kristen, and Mandana. Patrick and Kristen give notes/feedback on the editorial side. Mandana acts as more of an executive producer, providing Read more

Yeah! Did you listen to the episode? The baby deer story that Aaron from Red Fang tells is pretty scary. Read more

Funny short story: For eight years I toured with one of my bands and we had everything down to a science. And then I get into another band and the other members are all experienced touring musicians. First tour with them, our bass player is like “ok, van rules: here’s the tool/supply box, here’s the garbage can.” My Read more

I don’t know about that. We’ve toured in and out of Canada (meaning, a tour that has both US and Canadian dates), and we’ve done tours along the southwest through Texas and New Mexico and southern California. Between cops and Customs agents, you generally want to keep your van devoid of anything that looks/smells like Read more