Benjamin Preston

I scored a free EJ22 last summer (came with the harness, ECM and all the other guts), and have the adapter plate/flywheel/etc. Still need a D/R 5-speed, rear axle and drive shafts, though. I've had the car for six years, and have often had to drive up steep, loose slopes in reverse for traction. Good times ... 

I've always enjoyed JesZek's posts on USMB. It would be rad to take a trip down there someday and do a Jalopnik driving guide with him! Read more

That's the spirit! I've killed my rear struts after four years of schlepping my belongings back and forth across the country, so I'm happy now that I know how to do them quickly. Takes away some of my reluctance to just get the job done! Read more

You could use the frame to jack up the vehicle, even when you're doing shocks on a live axle. That way, the springs will sag a bit, and when the shocks extend, you don't have to mash them back into the tube. Read more

This makes perfect sense to me. Clearly, the German fellow has never worked in Mexico. Read more

This is what I wish North American market Jeeps/trucks were like: bare bones and highly capable. Thought I'd give that dead horse another whack. ;) Read more

Now playing

Aw he's just trying to make up for what the Rubber Bandits said to him at the Pub a week earlier. "$%&@ yer Subaru, I've a horse outside..."

I always thought the Fiat Panda "Young" was pretty stupid. My second cousin had one, but doesn't speak English, so pronounced the name "Joong." That made it even stupider.

I'm not so sure than "pure, unregulated capitalism" comes out of China, which is a centrally controlled communist country. I suppose under certain circumstances ... like this one. Read more