Alex Lloyd

I like Tony Cotman and think this was just an oversight. A big one, sure, and I don't understand how it was missed. But it is not like this is a recurring issue. It happened, as crazy as it is, but he has put on many other fantastic races, too. Read more

Actually, this is the truth. I am at the track now and have a lot of inside info that other media folk don't get. This is what every driver and team member is saying. But it isn't what the media is willing to say Read more

Exactly. No way you couldn't think any racecar could just drive over that without major issues. Read more

They did not grind the pavement. I am here and have looked at it in depth. They wondered whether it had been ground and whether that could have actually made it worse but NZR Consulting denied that and said it was exactly the same as last year. Hence my point. Read more

IndyCar's jumping, breaking, then hurting drivers back. Read more

The issue isn't the bump. The issue is why a whole day was lost by removing the chicane when it was plainly clear that it was impossible for our cars to run over without breaking. If you can't fix the railroads then fine, stick with the chicane. But don't just blindly hope you can remove the chicane and somehow the Read more

Can't resist but to write back. I'm sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about. I have a lot of additional info I am not willing to print. The fact is, however, that every driver and every team member knew there was no way we could run that bump. It was WAY too severe. So if we all knew that within Read more

I'd have been for that. But the challenge was for Jalopnik to bring any similar car and driver to take on their driver car combo. Read more

My take was that maybe these tires were not stock and were extra soft. Pretty sure the stock wouldn't chew up like that but I have no idea. Regardless, wish both cars had the same tires but if they are stock then I guess that is what the bet was. If so, better save up some pennies because you'll be buying new rubber Read more

They were in good condition at the start. I was genuinely shocked at how they degraded. Wish I knew what kind of tires they were. And would have been awesome to have the Accent use the same set. Read more

I'd be fine with more races like this too :) Read more

Likewise. Awesome for them to have the balls to compete in something like this, even if they were never going to win. Read more

It's a really cool little car. I liked it a lot. Read more

Errm, I can tell you that we IndyCar drivers do not just say "it's a bit loose." Regardless you are not separating the two distinct jobs. That as an engineer/mechanic and a driver. If you are doing all of the above of course that info is crucial to your job as engineer or mechanic. But this article is referring to the Read more

Many of you guys are completely misunderstanding this. My point is that when behind the wheel, all this overkill of physics, maths and data is doing you no good. To be a fast driver you need talent, feel and a hell of a lot of practice. Read more

Not true. In IndyCar I can tell you 95% of the drivers have no idea about 12 degrees of slip angles and such. They understand the physics of the cars like engineers but when it comes to driving fast. That level of detail is irrelevant and complicated. It is simply feel, talent and a hell of a lot of practice. Read more

In theory it is true. Of course if you look really slow you may just be slow. But in general the really spectacular guys sliding around are merely scrubbing speed and going slower than the smooth guy who is in control and right on that limit Read more

That is different. Engineering your car (which I have done) requires you to be fully in tune with the physics. But when you lower the visor that becomes irrelevant. You then turn into driver. After your run you must go back to engineer. But my article is purely from a driving stand point. Read more

We are not talking about engineering the car. If you are your own engineer (which I have been) then you must understand and utilize all this math. The difference is, when you get on track you must forget all that and just drive. Skillful drivers simply have talent, they practice and understand the basics. After the Read more