If I owned a giant mansion in Boston Edison, I would be sleuthing so hard right now. Read more
If I owned a giant mansion in Boston Edison, I would be sleuthing so hard right now. Read more
Sterling Heights? Really? Those bitches are taylor trash for sure. This is the work of people downriver. Sterling Heights residents would be distracted by Oakland Mall before reaching Detroit. Or they'd just get wasted in Canada because they don't have fake IDs. Read more
Found him!
Did the vandals talk about Super Squats and Peter Singer during the vandalism? Because Hamilton Nolan was in Detroit recently. Read more
Terry Rhadigan and I just want to see George's smile. The car and picture from 81 I believe on Jefferson Ave brought a smile to my face, so we just wanted to take care of a customer. I called him today and he is a gem. He also owned a 69, and I found out he worked at our Milford Proving Grounds— in Tire and Wheel… Read more
Thanks for clicking though! Read more
So why Trax?
I guess Ghana isn't the most well-known country in the world, but using Wikipedia isn't that hard. They could have used their flag, the Tawny Eagle, the Independence Square, or a picture from the rain-forests... or what about national icon Kofi Annan?
Classic Sesame Street sketch with Roosevelt Franklin teaching about Africa (more than just a jungle) with an odd emphasis on oil and mineral extraction for a kid's show.
Bad tattoos run on a 10 year schedule.
Aaron - thank you again for your insight into the lazy ass media who write about Detroit in whatever manner gathers the most clicks. Read more
Thanks for fighting the good fight. I can completely sympathize, and you are doing a wonderful job. Read more
Midwest? It's in the middle, yes. But is it in the west? And where does it start. Is Ohio midwest? Are the Dakotas midwest? How low does it go before you hit the South? Kansas? Missouri? Read more
Half the people in my age group would laugh if they saw you followed Buick on Vine. Thats like...thats like following Walmart on Twitter. Doesnt make sense. They also most likely couldnt name any modern Buick. They would probably just mention that their grandparents or an aunt or uncle had one when they were growing… Read more
As a millennial I would totally be doing my part and buying a Regal; oh, but I can't, because of that whole student loan and shaky economy thing. Read more
Except it's not Detroit, so... Read more
10. There are free doughnuts down the hall. Read more
Ann validates what I've known for 30+ years: "There's nothing quite like that Fairlane feeling!" (That's my wife standing next to the car.)