Aaron Foley
Used to do Jalopnik Detroit when that was a thing. Now just kinda here and there.

The poll has been taken down, so once again, my voice on important matters will not be heard. At least I learned about Lupita. Read more

You would be surprised at the amount of elderly that die behind the wheel of their cars and then become for sale on the open market. You may be thinking, eh, no big deal...but consider the 80 year old that dies locked in his car, in a mall parking lot, on a 90 degree day in August, in Florida, and had shit himself Read more


Kinda goes with Drew Magary's funbag about Murderhouses a while back...Honestly, if it was a nice enough car I wanted, and it was detailed or taken care of (not like blood all over), hell yeah! It would have to be super cheap for that reason, I'd go for it. Read more

Believe me i cannot say nope enough. The knowledge that my car was used as a hearse for a dismembered body will hunt my soul. So thank you but nope Read more

Back in '78 my Dad used his VA benefits to buy the family a house in Ferndale. One of the houses he looked at was a murder house, but it was so cheap it made Scrooge look like Lil Jon in a strip club. He considered it for a minute, then factored in the amount the divorce lawyer would cost once my Mother found out we Read more

If there's blood, I can just go to LMC truck and get some replacement carpet. A few air fresheners later, it'll be fine. And thats as a DD. I suppose you could keep the gore if any was present as a collectable, but I've no idea what the biohazard regulations might be. Read more

It would have to be something really cool at a great price, like a ferrari F40 for 6 grand. Read more

I like my cars like my women, with lots of hidden issues. Read more

Cars are inanimate objects, its not like the Blazer murdered the man, dismembered the body, and put the parts inside itself. If it was a more interesting car, sure, why not. Read more

Ignorance is bliss... If someone killed someone and used my car to transport the body and I never know? Awesome! But if I know about it then I'd never drive the thing again. Read more

Meh, I wouldn't care as long as it isn't all bloody/smelly. I also wouldn't care if some tragedy occurred at a house I was interested in. I might act like it though to get them to drop the price a bit. Read more

I don't normally believe in bad JuJu, but in this case...