Aaron Foley
Used to do Jalopnik Detroit when that was a thing. Now just kinda here and there.

I was on a Jury a few years ago where the defendant had tried to hire another inmate to kill his ex-(gay)-lover that was outside of prison. Read more

What the hell is wrong with people? The thing that gets me is that she isn't a sociopath, if she was she wouldn't feel any type of guilt or remorse. She is just a terrible person. She deserves much worse than 6 years. Read more

Wow - psycho. Her nervous giggling would be cute if she wasn't, you know, talking about having her husband murdered. Read more

protip: that guy advertising his services as a hit-man on craigslist probably isn't what you think he is. Unless you think he's an undercover cop, then he probably is what you think he is. Read more

From the look of things...she may have been doing him a favor. Read more

My wife told me that if I ever left her, she'd kill me. But she never does anything right. So I gave her the number for a hitman.

Oh, let me show you on my batman cased smartphone the best date to kill my hubby. okay? Read more

Remember, kids! Domestic violence, that's a man-on-woman thing. Women are never violent, men are never victims. Read more

"I don't want to break his heart; I want you to shoot him in it." Read more

Hiring a hitman to kill your husband? That's just not very Batman.

Someone's got really bad taste in women. Read more

You know, at a certain point, you have to trust that a professional knows how to do his job. Trying to give all those directions is just insulting. Read more

She won't have to worry about her family judging her over a divorce, now she'll only have to worry about an actual judge judging her for conspiracy to commit murder. Ta-daa! Read more

Should have called Mr. Hernandez, he seems to know how to get these things done. Read more