*looks at roof flying off* Sure, sure that’s all anyone can find wrong, lol. Read more

The police are consistently proving themselves to be untrustworthy. Read more

Only unlapping the ones that stood in the way of the championship battle was logical and efficient.

Masi was entirely spot on when he said, “it’s called a motor race, we went car racing”.

This was about the best decision in a history of terrible decisions Masi has made.

Ya’ll allergic to excitement and if you wanted Read more

YES. The conversation between Masi and Redbull and Mercedes about letting Hamilton pass was INSANE. They literally admitted for all fans to hear that they told Redbull to let Hamilton pass before they told Mercedes it was going to happen, or that when they did it was done so speaking over another conversation, no Read more

It’s pretty terrible. Content you paid for, gone... you do feel robbed. PvP maps you like to play... “vaulted”... and no new ones FOR AGES... again, robbed.

The money seems to just go towards re-hashes of exhausting mechanics while common sense desires of players (can I auto recycle all these blue, low tier weapons for Read more

“have you got any rap for us today on Formula 1" is hardly demanding. It’s cringey and I swear I saw MTS cringe, but she blew him off quite politely.

The man himself seems to think the response is overblown, much like this article. Read more

The myth that flashing your headlights at red lights gets them to change faster because you’re simulating the flashing lights of an ambulance and traffic lights detect those to know when to turn green for emergency vehicles.

No, just stop.

If equipped, the traffic lights actually work on infrared which your headlights Read more

I mean, subjectively you’re right, for you, but objectively with ratings, sales, how often it’s quoted, etc. ... it’s pretty fantastic.
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Understandable, but it’s also presumptuous to put our life experience over that of others.

My family has a history of meth abuse and there’s a lot of ‘meth’ jokes out there. Yeah, it hits me, but I can’t blame someone else for having a healthier family relationship with drugs. So they get to laugh at the jokes and Read more

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... ahhh... amazing.
-a white person
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Naturally, if your motivation to kill someone was racism you’d want all evidence of said racism avoided at all costs. Understandable and awful. Read more

I’m confused. Wouldn’t the money earning be strictly dictated by audience participation? Shouldn’t this all be in the hands of the fans and what they decide to watch? Read more

“Old shit” isn’t the past until you atone for it.

Bullshit. Bruce killed someone driving recklessly and didn’t atone for shit. Just changed his name to Caitlyn and washed that off to become woman of the year. Read more

Just as a “competition of speed” or street racing gets you a penalty ENTIRELY different than just a speeding ticket, so should intentionally harassing people and showing pre-meditation to do so repeatedly get you in something more severe than just an “accident”.
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Good lord the police in America act like a gang they’re supposed to protect people from. Read more

Sure, but keep in mind that the mechanics of making an easy to dismiss/accept button to just get some music to play, or Google Maps not to bitch an moan, is designed and weighted to just get you to do it. We use the addictive mechanics casinos use in video games, it’s a racket. This is a similar racket. The intent is Read more

You literally just equated serving the public in advancing helpful social and financial policies to being a Twitch streamer broadcasting their play throughs and random political thoughts... this is why America is doomed, ya’ll are dumb AF. You could’ve said it’s the same as Ted Cruz, the comparison is still dumb, no Read more

literally the only thing I’m interested in, lol Read more