I’ll take the challenge of trying to convince my legislature to enact common sense vehicle repair laws versus trying to convince the legislature to have common sense and maybe care about the environment, women’s rights, etc. Read more

Yeah... I’d legitimately expect someone to get punched for doing something like this.
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Such a modern take on competition that it should be devoid of emotion and expression. *yawn* Just let AI take over now, ya’ll are intolerant of everything that makes us human.

A jerky “pop-off” is a problem, but most aren’t like this. Most don’t warrant an article. Articles are written about outliers which again, are Read more

OMG that reveal! That’s a big ass flag! Nothing screams about your support to have slaves like that shit!
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The driver who struck the two other vehicles was issued a summons solely for driving without insurance. Read more

Morons shouldn’t be walking the street with firearms at their hips, responsible for enforcing laws.

An action like that in any other job would see you fired.

He’s lucky he’s a police officer and they protect all the dummies and racists in their ranks, just like a gang. Read more

I can think of no excuse any decent, caring police officer could give as to why they didn’t arrest and charge this man other than that they’re lazy, or racist, or probably both.

The police in America create the shitty reputation they’re getting. To serve and protect? Yeah, serve and protect themselves. Read more

A maximum makes so little sense, as nobody wants to raise the car up and increase drag beneath the car. Do you come from an off road background? Read more

My second car last year was a RHD Daihatsu Rocky in Los Angeles. Yeah, I was slow shifting, but that could also be from the mile throw between gears.

Anyway, the biggest bother was left hand turns, you just gotta be that guy who waits till the end of the light to make sure it’s clear and/or lean a whole lot. Passing Read more

Pretty much. If a character was brutally raped, why be ‘sensitive’ about it? Truth is truth, if it bothers you, good, you’re a healthy person I think. Read more

“Now, just 18 months later, on any given weekend, well over 50 percent of the wheeled traffic on the Venice bike path is battery powered.”

The beach bike path, which the author is clearly riding on, says no electronic scooters allowed on it. There’s signs everywhere. Nice of the author to be precisely the sort of ‘I Read more

Police officers... your reputation for being pieces of shit is written by yourself every time you protect, cover, lie, and defend these criminal co-workers. It really makes you scum through association.
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Yup, and Alita turned out to be a pretty great movie. Too bad it didn’t make more money =\
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Huh, not fuck the truck and trailer in what appears to be a bike lane, and if it isn’t, is parked over the line, into the traffic lane anyway forcing the WAYMO to slow and move around whether there’s a cyclist or not?

But yeah, your response is proportional to the knowledge you have of the event and the inconvenience Read more

The first company I see that advertises to me in this way deserves some Paris riot style justice, aka, burn all their things. Read more


The author, by their own admission, is new to this and ... peppercorns? What sort of viral, Instagram doctor nonsense is that??

Edibles are universally the last thing I recommended to newbies. Even experienced marijuana users that I’ve met get a little cagey when it comes to dosing an edible because the quality, Read more

Edibles are generally better for avoiding a bad high
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I’ve said it and I’ll say it again, YouTubers are like Rockstars of old doing shady shit like Rockstars of old.

Parents, talk to your kids. Have an honest conversation about predators and the subtle peer pressure tactics they use. This crap will never NOT be there regardless of who is doing their best to Read more

When I walk my dog I sometimes muse how many holier than thou arguments like this I read on the internet. As Fido drops a deuce I watch one of the many stop sign intersections in my neighborhood and nearly 90% of drivers never stop.
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This was amazing. The nuanced detail about how crap unfolds and either stays crap or coalesces gave me legitimate feelings of PTSD from similarly misled developments.

I actually laughed at the BioWare Magic thing. From AAA studios around the world EVERYONE has this belief that it will all be okay in the end, but if you Read more