Wait, sorry, did you actually say Froome is the most popular? Read more

I think his initial gut reaction is the correct one. Sure, Luke can be in exile, but his attitude was more whiny baby and a very cliche, reluctant teacher.

I probably had my hopes too high, but overall I didn’t like the movie. There were jokes where I wish they were serious, the whole code breaker/litespeed radar/oh Read more

Right, because it’s turbo and under towing or severe use that thing is going to be spooling, making heat, and that will ignite lower octane fuel early, increasing pinging... and yeah, bad stuff. Anything with a turbo that’s getting pushed should make use of the recommended or suggested higher octane fuel. Read more

Haha, these are great and I especially like the names for each one. Very fun, very cool passion project. Thanks for sharing it. Read more

objectification ≠ dehumanization

You can still enjoy looking at the body of an attractive man or woman while realizing they’re real people and should be treated as such. A grid girl or even a grid guy is aware people are looking, they’re attractive, so look all you want, isn’t that the social construct they’re Read more

Throw the officers in jail for abusing the law, that’s what SHOULD happen.
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LOL. Where did you read that? You’re making up lies to strengthen your argument. Please quote me where I said that, if you can, we’ll wait, lol. Read more

Holy fuck, that officer is a monster. Read more

There’s also no degrees of punishment when we use the public court that is mob justice.

Mob justice is on or off. Harvey, CK, Hoffman, Cosby, Takei, etc. they all didn’t do the same thing, but mob justice isn’t just. It’s the same lose your job, lose your friends, shame you into hiding, never let you live it down... Read more

A few people wrote some clever quips on the internet and the internet media, which is its own little bubble, only reported on the outrage.

Writing about peoples’ contentment doesn’t sell clicks. Read more

It depends on whether or not you knew it was there to begin with, that’s what I noticed.

Everyone that was pissed didn’t know (rushed to the theater to wait) and bitched about the length accordingly while everyone who liked it seemed aware it was there and was on time to see it. Read more

The internet thrives on outrage. I personally knew it was going to be in front of Coco and the nieces and nephews were excited to see it.

I enjoyed it and so did they, but if you DIDN’T know it was there and you rushed to the theater, corralling the children, in a panic for parking, only to realize you had some time Read more

I was about to say... I can see it from my office window... it gets a “meh” in terms of concern.

I guess that’s a perk to being too poor to live in them thar hills. Read more

When’s the off season for The Outrage Olympics? Read more

This woman is looking to live it. Oh, she watches. Read more

You had me up to “you’re either with us, or you’re a Nazi” ploy.

Everytime I read that shit I feel I must turn to a Trump supporter and say, “Ah shit, you were right about that thing we do.”
Read more

These? I had these on my first ever 240... loooaatthheed their aesthetics and general poor finish. S14 SE 5 spokes 5 lugs... much more fetching after a lug swap.

edit: I don’t think those are hubcaps in the first pic. I think they are the teardrops, just with the center cap covering the lugs? Never had them though, so

Nissan 1989-1993 240sx coupe, S13 chassis

Moore’s moral marketing doesn’t care much for your emphasis on walking the walk! Read more