Do you mean to say there’s an end to the outrage... as if... at some point, we accept a good response for what it is and don’t hunt down something else to sustain our anger?

I like he’s kicking the money to a good cause. When I heard of other organizations returning money Weinstein donated I wanted to scream... are ya Read more

Kevin needs to get out more =) I applaud his flippant regard for film making as it’s commonly expected, but dude... some of it has to be more than an inside joke at best, please, think of the little people! Read more

Why wait for society like it’s something other? We’re society, do you, done. I’m sure there’s something a psychologist would say about focusing on what other people are doing as if it’s a limitation to being yourself... or about there being some linear scale to it either. Read more

2 severence packages through Activision and 1 through Sony and I’ve never been asked to sign anything like that to get them. Read more

Nope! Though one can argue that requesting men get in on it is quite literally AllLiveMattering your own cause.
Read more

Right? Why is it so necessary to bring up a failure when celebrating a success? Can’t we just take a moment and say “good job” without immediately second guessing whether that really was a good enough job after all?

Not meaning to get parental, but it’s not positive motivation if you follow it with reminders of Read more

White people lacking diversity is based off the notion of all white people just being “white”.

I have nothing in common but the color of my skin to someone from Eastern Europe. My Russian co-worker and I are at odds all the time about the roll of family and religion. I have just as little in common with our Mexican Read more

Me either, I see an idiot arguing with a professional, but everything today HAS to be about gender. That’s basically the first tennant of the new, far left, gender all the things!

Though frankly this whole post is CIS gendered bigotry because it assumes it’s a binary male who identifies as such. There’s no regard for Read more

Is this the same /Drive that’s on YouTube including the pay channel /Drive+?

That was the first and last time I subscribe to a pay channel because they just up and vanished, no longer producing any content. It would’ve been nice for them to announce they were quitting because the subscriptions still pay out while you Read more

I’m honestly surprised you’ve held back on “SJWs” and “snowflakes” Read more

Yet, literally he is not, but he behaves similar to one and unfortunately people are accepting Trump’s childlike, yet sincerely damaging outbursts as the new normal and a genuine form of leadership to follow.

The man is dragging America down. Read more

Nah, noway. I’m close enough to the Hollywood machine to tell you it’s all fucking rattled, but in the best possible way. I think this is really going to be a turning point, at least I hope it will be. There’s really more truthful discussions happening and people are genuinely opening up, speaking, listening, and Read more

They do though, and that insulation can be protection to that person, but it’s still insulation.

Trigger Warnings absolutely have been co-opted by some people addicted to recreational outrage and abuse our genuine concern to limit trauma to vulnerable people against us and instead use trigger warnings as a form of Read more

Obama has nothing on Trump attack on the press. Trump is definitely Americas first dictator, and we know how great those work out for the people... for fucks sake. Read more

Trigger Warnings only serve to insulate people from truth. If you cherry pick the truth then you’re living in fantasy land. Unfortunately people in fantasy land still make decisions and comment on the world as if they understand and others should accept their thoughts and words, but frankly, how can you possibly trust Read more

Sooo... ask him for a selfie... got it. Read more

Meh, women do it all the time. If you’re a young father talking anything about raising a young girl you’re cut off, talked over, talked down to, etc. because you can’t possibly have the correct information to raise a woman because you’re a man.

Everyone talks down to everyone else when they think they know best. It’s Read more

Seriously!!!! I don’t get it! Make a statement and just say, “Hell yes we’re taking his 5 million and we’re making damn sure it helps the type of women he preyed on. He’s welcome to donate more and we’ll continue to take it, use it, and spread the word that he’s a horrible human being.” Read more