I’ve read the tweets and by definition egalitarianism IS more inclusive than feminism, though both are basically the same thing and should include the other. That opinion was distasteful at the time and it still is now, but if you look at what the terms mean no sane person will care. So he’s a bit of a contrarian, big Read more

Exactly. It wasn’t about the suit, it was about him being black and that’s a problem to the racists out there. No sane individual gives a fuck what color the suit is, so long as it fits well and Obama was on point with his fit. Read more

Thanks for making it seem like it’s about all white people. Heaven forbid you accurately damn the far right bigots and leave the rest of us who don’t give a shit about what he’s wearing out of it. I guess it’s all about color to some people, like yourself, not content. Thanks for being part of the problem. Read more

blah blah, white people this, wypepo that. #staywoke #maga #blacklivematter

Now excuse me, I have an appointment with some black classmates to lecture me on how I can’t possibly be into a Black Panther movie because I’m white, nevermind I’m 2nd generation Spanish/Irish. We all look the same to race obsessed people just Read more

You can judge all of that through some tweets huh?

Do you also have a psychic hotline?

I’d really like the age of looking to video game developers to be our priestly guidance counselors to end. Are video game players that desperate for parental figures or something?
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I too love to calibrate my moral compass by looking to video game developers who are unaware I’m deferring to them for such guidance.

Shame on them for thinking I’m just looking for a quality game. The should know better.
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Some delicate snowflake of a producer saw people hooking up on a show that is about people hooking up?

What bullshit. Read more

This is exactly what I expect. This isn’t an act in support of equality and civil rights, if it were dialogue would be welcome.

Just watch the videos where the students scream at the college President claiming his hand gestures are “micro-aggression”. When he capitulates and puts his hands down, they laugh at him.

This Read more

They call many plays correctly, ad nauseum, no shocker there bud.

However, on the video, this is laughably, obviously not even close to being difficult to over turn in replay.

The umpire’s just held their ground for pride, not for the sake of the game. When you ego gets in the way of being an umpire, you suck. Read more

Emotional Support Dogs require NO TRAINING.

They’re just dogs you like that make you feel good, that is all.

Service dogs on the other hand actually do require certain types of training.

Emotional Support Dogs and Service Dogs are in NO WAY similar.

This man was bit by “a dog” basically. I can buy a vest on Amazon and Read more

Well it’s not like Christianity is a stranger to killing or doing generally terrible things to children. She should fit right in.
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This term is just as pretentious as “micro dosing”.

Micro dosing, oh... you mean you’re getting a little fucked up at work? Welcome to the club, which includes everyone from your lawyer to your pizza delivery guy. Read more

Oh, I see the Beerfest joke now. Always shocked that movie was so meh with the talent it had. Read more

I know you haven’t put on too many miles yet, but as they come please post some more follow ups. I’ve always loved these and I enjoy reading about this one considering you’ve done it right and it should be going for a long time. If it holds... maybe I’ll suck it up and do one right sometime myself =)

Awesome, awesome Z. Read more

Is a ZJ the non-binary version of a blow job? Read more

I’m always reminded of Louis CK’s comedy about how the most dangerous thing a woman can do is to be around, let alone go on dates with men.

Seriously, who gives a fuck, buy out a theater for you and your buds if you want to make it even. Ohhh, but that’s going too far... because you really don’t give a fuck THAT much, Read more

My neighbor has a base 500 and he positively hates it. The paint started peeling almost immediately after he bought it and it’s been in for the a/c acting weird a number of times. My co-worker bought a 500e and returned it for all his money back under California lemon laws because the batteries all died and wouldn’t Read more

We have bad police officers, we have gun happy police officers, because the police departments bend over backwards to protect and create bad, gun happy police officers.

If you break the law and hurt the public when your job is to do precisely the opposite, anyone that protects you should be charged with obstruction of Read more

Maybe German engineering being good to work on is a new thing. All of my VW’s, Audi’s, and two E46's have been nothing but nightmares.

Even if the mechanics were okay to work on, the frequently on the fritz electronics just turned me off to them completely. Auto dimming mirrors, dash clusters, heated seats, half Read more