I slowed it down in YouTube and I think it’s just a hair over a second from when it’s seen in the video to the crash. I was looking for it though, he was not =\ He was already turning left too to follow traffic. There probably wasn’t a lot of adhesion left on the tires to turn MORE left even if he tried to avoid it, Read more

People with jumpy or jerky brake and throttle control immediately followed by people who turn to look at you when they’re talking while driving.

The people with jerky throttle/brake are spastic and I can’t imagine driving around them, let alone being in the car and wanting to throw up. A friend who got a new Mustang is Read more

I’d say that officer is guilty of a hate crime.

There’s just no other reason besides a deep, racist passion for fucking up a black person to motivate that kick.
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Maybe it’s phased in so that politicians have time to undo it on behalf of prison guard unions, which are worried about job security? I know they lobby HARD against decriminalizing marijuana for that very reason.
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Black judge killed in Chicago, black judge floating in the Hudson, nothing to see here, move along, make America great again, etc. etc. Read more

But Trump says we can leave a little bit of the environment, it’s businesses that are endangered! Read more

Gotta disagree, I found the new special pretty damn good. I even liked Chapelle’s latest one, which has been slammed here on the ex-Gawker network for not being PC enough, lol.

I think if I didn’t know the skits are written by SNL staff then I may also be angry at Louie, but I know better so meh, shit on the writers Read more

We need ZERO TOLERANCE policies for police brutality like this. I’m sick and tired of judges and fellow policemen giving these guys a slide because they’re in the same club.

This guy is a criminal assaulting someone, period. He’s not fit to have a badge. Read more

Pretty much this.

Mousasi said it best, and I’m grossly paraphrasing, “You need to be ready to go, ready to fight at all times. He tried to play a game, he was looking for a technicality and dragging ass getting up. He was looking unsure if he wanted to continue and so they stopped it.”

Weidman looked incredibly Read more


No finer photo of a rich businessman, worshipped for his Capitalist strengths, chosen by the people to lead us to war.

It works because war is a business.
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Trump supporter with an illegal partner?

This crap show people have just stopped understanding the consequences of their actions and would rather pick a side, regardless of the factual evidence that the side you’re picking is going to hurt you.

She probably wanted a divorce and electing Trump was easier than paperwork. Read more

Just to clarify, the ACA/Obamacare similarity to the Heritage Foundation is bunk once you actual compare them side by side. The claimed similarity is just a Republican marketing device to say, “Hey, we actually thought of that.” Read more

I love it. I like the Regular Car Reviews for the MR2's. I’ve always toyed with picking one up. I’m guessing you’d suggest a 3rd gen? I saw a video on YouTube comparing a heavily lightened 1ZZ vs a full interior with a 2ZZ on a track an I’m surprised how close they were. A Beams equipped 2nd gen will be for sale every Read more

The 3rd gens always strike me as interesting, but they don’t have anything, at all it seems, in the way of storage. Barely enough for a gym bag, which is kind of crazy. I’ve only driven a 2nd gen once and the sitting position with the front hood that just sloped towards the ground made for an equal parts amazing, and Read more

Screw the 1870's, try riding a bike to commute today. People in cars don’t care at all, bike lane or not. It might as well be an extreme sport. Read more

So is Dinan doing a viral media blitz right now? I think I just saw this same car given to Matt Farrah to drive on his One Take series. Read more

Utterly disgusting. I hope she sues the shit out of these pigs.

A very close family member is going through breast cancer treatment in her early 30's and witnessing what she’s going through, my heart just goes out. It’s terrible and even when surgery and chemo go great, it’s still utterly debilitating and terrible.

The Read more

Not seeing where you’re getting the stanced comment from. It’s low, there’s little fender gap, but the tires aren’t stretched and the camber isn’t anything abnormal.

I think they need lower strapping points for the car to pull it down, not laterally.

Still a totally awesome vehicle, very cool. Those tail light stickers Read more

Yeah, but he did his time. What’s the point of prison if we’re going to treat them like criminals even after they served their sentence?

Two tours and we kick him out? That’s fucked up. Read more