Granted, those were social commentaries that held more weight and water than these dumb dumbs on YouTube. Read more

Do you have some evidence that the audience is overwhelmingly children?
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Traitors to the country. Russian dogs.

Get these Russian pawns into a jail and lose the key, they’re scum. Read more

It’s 100% relevant to the conversation.

It illustrates that someone who is assumed to be offended is not because they understand the context.

If you think I have self esteem problems, what does it say about you who have added nothing to the conversation, but have gone out of the way just to insult me?

Are you qualified Read more

Do you even watch his channel?

He’s made dick and fart jokes since day one while cursing incessantly.

Its almost as if you haven’t watched what you’re commenting on... as if you’re uninformed or something. Read more

It’s 100% subjective. List some comedians you like and let’s watch how many people think you have poor taste. You don’t have to list offensive ones and people will disagree with you.

With what he said it was a jab at peoples’ desire for money and their quickness to outrage without knowing context.

This result and your Read more

Fuck the world. Watch the videos and the sarcasm is palpable and there’s no genuine anti-semitic support whatsoever. So sick and tired of this trigger warning, sjw, delicate snowflake culture that relies on taking everything out of context so they have the recreational privilage to get offended. - a Jew
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If it was a stock car, I believe it. The stock brakes are woefully inadequate to manage slowing the piggy down time and time again. Solve that though and they’re a fun track car with some good rubber. Still... wish they were a touch lighter overall, it would help. Read more

That rotary will be a reliability improvement, no doubt. Read more


I guess this is Trump’s new America, but I’m getting sick of it. Not all Unions suck, but we can at least acknowledge what they have fought for.

Employee based health care, thank a union. Helping to end child labor, you can thank some unions. How about having a weekend or at least a Read more

Yeah. The place I worked at when I started was all Instinct, but since I’ve moved I can’t find people in my area and definitely not at work, which sucks. It’s all Mystic everywhere and I can hold a gym for maybe 5 seconds after taking forever to knock it down. It made the game a drag, almost as exhausting as the Read more

I stopped at level 26 because I’m just the wrong color team at my new job in such a way that it’s just not fun for me anymore.

I would PAY THEM to let me switch teams and keep my trainer.

If only they liked money. Read more

I would pay money to switch teams... I wish they had a shop where you could exchange real world money for things like this, I bet they’d make a killing. They must not like money. Read more

If you believe it’s all according to some preordained design then hurry up and get waiting and when you die just let the rest of us know if it was worth it or not when you get there Read more

So what you’re saying is that you’re the 18 year old you’ve been talking crap about???

You’re such a hipster, all hating yourself. So trendy, you must be very popular on the internet, lol. Read more

The left lane is the passing lane. The Camry should never have been there in the first place. Even if people pass ME on the right, I don’t hit them because I’m paying attention.
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I don’t see how any of that justifies any of what happened next. Maybe you’re stupid too?
Read more

... it’s no wonder people don’t trust the police anymore. There needs to be a zero tolerance policy for this shit because assholes like this are a cancer and if they can’t respect their co-workers they have no business protecting or serving the public, at all.

Zero tolerance for police abuses and racism, fire the lot Read more

This is why there is problems in the world, because you’re not even part of the discussion, you just came here to spout your ASSUMPTIONS and then leave. Read more

I also historically suck at getting jokes via Gawker/Kinja etc. Something to do with the lack of voice inflection and human contact necessary for sarcasm is too much of a challenge for me. I am very literal, unless I’m not... in which case I’m sure nobody understand that and thinks I’m an ass.

I find the 1st gen RX7's Read more