What's The Best Car-Related Thing You Can Do For Your Mom?

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Mom was always there for you as a kid, and part of growing up is learning how to be there for her.

Driving a car is statistically one of the most dangerous forms of transportation, and as such a lot of the things you can do for your mom are important. You can make sure she wears her seatbelt, or that her headlights aren't fogged over. Either way, you'll be making some sort of difference.

For my mom, though, the best thing I can do is making sure that all the tires in her Toyota Prius are properly inflated and set at the right pressure. Not only will you make the car safer by avoiding potential blowouts or flats, but you'll also be improving her gas mileage as an added bonus.


Plus, air is usually free at gas stations. It should leave you plenty of coin left over for taking her out to that nice place she's always wanted to go to.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom. I'll check your tire pressure tomorrow.

What do you think is the best car-related thing you can do for your mom?

Photo credit: Pavel L Photo and Video/Shutterstock