​Man's Femur Goes Into His Ballsack After Motorcycle Crash [NSFW]

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A 33-year-old man was admitted into an emergency room after a motorcycle crash in Germany. Doctors noticed the berries to his twig were hard, swollen, and blue, while his left leg was shorter than it should've been. Why? "Femoral-Head Dislocation to the Scrotum." Yes, the top of his femur was sheared off and shoved into his ballsack.

First of all, don't scroll down.

Seriously, you don't want to see this. Nobody should have to see this.

Except you.

Yeah, you.

The guy that rides with a fashion leather jacket and a pair of board shorts.

This is your femur.

This is your femur after a crash.

This is the ball of your femur rammed into your manly bits.

Wear good gear or succumb to the inevitability of thousands of "boner" jokes.

Ok, here...

Contact the author at damon@jalopnik.com.