Need A Gas Station In Jersey? Check Out This Map Made By Kids

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Have no fear, gas-seeking people of New Jersey. Your high school students have come to your rescue. Check out this map they put together of stations that still offer fuel and ones that are sold out.

According to the Huffington Post, IMSOCIO, run by Franklin High School in New Brunswick, launched this map Wednesday because their students thought New Jersey drivers needed a way to find out if gas stations were open and if there was any gas in people's neighborhoods following the shortages and power outages caused by Hurricane Sandy.

From their website, IMSOCIO "is an organization working with high school students to help them achieve success before, during, and after college."


And getting them involved in mapping because, let's face it, maps are cool. And it's a double bonus when they're useful, too.

How is the gas situation for everyone in New Jersey this Saturday?