Five Good Things About High Gas Prices

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High gas prices suck, right? Wrong. There's actually a silver lining that only the in-market car consumer boys at Edmunds Inside Line are able to see. They put together a list of five good things about the increasingly higher cost of gas that we've refined and edited below.

1. High gas prices help you get in shape. Basically, rather than commute, you can find several short trips to walk rather than drive. That'll help you out not only because you'll lose some weight, but also you'll save more gas than skipping one long trip because short trips eliminate the most wasteful cycle — when the engine's not warmed up. That's when it gets poor fuel economy and emits higher levels of emissions.

2. High gas prices help you learn how to drive efficiently. A key to higher fuel economy is efficiency of driving. High gas prices give you an opportunity to learn the right way to drive smoothly. When you're already going 65 mph, it doesn't make sense to floor it just because there's an opening in traffic and you don't like staring at the back of the Prius in front of you for a net gain of two car lengths. Especially when you realize you're blowing through a quarter's worth of gas every time. Cut back on that a few times in the morning and afternoon commute and we're talking a serious cut in your gas cost. Plus, one speeding ticket could cost more than four tanks of gas.


3. High gas prices help extend your life. Stress kills and aggressive driving, traffic tickets and accidents all add to stress. Also, those accidents can sometimes kill. Forcing yourself to drive slowly, smoothly and with greater care cuts back on your stress, and will add years on to your life.


4. High gas prices help you get more work done. True car guys know that appliance commuting isn't true driving freedom, so try and use mass transit whenever possible — like when you're going to and from work. While on the train, bus or ferry, get some more work done in a safer environment. Read a book, study for a test, answer your emails. Whatever you want. The world is your oyster when you commute.


5. High gas prices give you a new excuse for not doing things. Don't want to visit that ex-roommate from college? Your Aunt in Toledo? Your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate? Now you finally will have the perfect excuse: "Gee, I'd love to hang out but these gas prices are killing me."