What is the Best Looking Station Wagon Ever Made?

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Station Wagons are generally designed more for utility then looks. That doesn't mean that some station wagons didn't end up looking pretty excellent. Which station wagon do you think looks the best?

Station Wagons, Estates, Woodies, Shooting Brakes, call them whatever you want, station wagons were rarely designed to be the beauty queens of the automotive world. That distinction was left to the 2 door hardtops and the convertibles while the station wagon was just a version of the more mundane models with extra space for things like groceries and kids.

Even if it wasn't intentional we ended up with some good looking station wagons over the years. Sometimes you have to be a little car obsessed to recognize the beauty of a station wagon but sometimes you don't. It could be design forethought, the dimensions and lines of a particular car, or sheer dumb luck, but some cars just look great as wagons.


Maybe they aren't the best cars, maybe you wouldn't even want to own one (Unlikely, I know) but everyone surely can think of one or two wagons that make them want to convert to the cult of the long roof based on looks alone. So what is that one wagon that you think couldn't look better?


I will likely be alone in my choice but for some reason the 1960 Ford station wagon has always looked just right to me. Something about the combination of the side molding and the flat fins form a fine looking wagon. I first noticed one in "From Russia with Love" years ago and since then I've been hooked. Like most of my automotive infatuations, they are relatively obscure (1 year only) and prone to rust so I've only seen a handful in years of car shows.


So tell me, what do you think is the best looking station wagon ever made?

Photo Credit: hugo90