1952 Henry J Corsair

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Welcome to Down On The Mile High Street, where we admire old vehicles found parked on the streets of the City That Rust Sorta Ignored: Denver, Colorado. You don't often see Kaiser-Frazer products on the street in the 21st century!

DOTSBE tipster Evestay shot this Henry J two years ago, but the car wasn't in a street parking space and thus didn't qualify for this series.

Then I was out walking the dogs not far from my house and I spotted a beautiful primered-out Henry J! I couldn't find the owner, so I can't tell you what it has under the hood... but I'm betting it's not the original Kaiser four-cylinder that came in the Corsair. The Henry J was one of the cheapest "real" cars you could buy in the early 1950s, but it was just a few bucks less than the larger and better-equipped Ford, Chevy, and Dodge sedans. For the whole story of the Rise And Fall Of Kaiser-Frazer, jump over to the excellent Ate Up With Motor piece.


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