Down On The Street: '66 Mercury Comet Cyclone
Even though I grew up worshiping 60s Detroit muscle cars, I'm left a little cold by the tedious sameness of the ones I spot on the street today. If it's not a '66 Mustang or '69 Camaro, it's gonna be a '68-'72 GM A-Body or maybe a Mopar E-Body. Most of the Javelins, Dart GTs, and the like have been crushed by now, with the few nice survivors living (if you can call it that) in a gilded-cage world of car shows and nostalgia cruises. So it was quite a treat when I spied this clean '66 Mercury Comet Cyclone parked on the street in Denver last weekend...
Hell yes, it's a big-block car! Neither rain, nor sleet, nor gloom of night (nor April snow) will stay this Mercury from its appointed rounds. It takes a real man (or woman) to drive a rear-drive V8 here in Subaru country, and we at Jalopnik applaud heartily.
The '66 Comet was based on the Fairlane, rather than the Falcon of previous years, so it was a bit bigger and the FE big-block (mostly 390s, but the 427 found its way into a few cars) wasn't quite as much a shoehorn job to fit the engine compartment. And how can you not like those mean-looking (yet tasteful) dual hood scoops?
Comet East []
Forgotten Mercury of the Day: 1974 Comet GT [internal]