Twister has long been one of my favorite movies of all time, and a 26 year hiatus, but franchise is coming back. Gizmodo reports a sequel to the 1996 blockbuster (and the first movie I ever purchased myself in 1999) is in the works. Producer Steve Spielberg apparently “flipped” over the new script, and I’m sure I will too. The name of this movie could be the best part about it. It’s called Twisters. How great is that.
Anyway, aside from loving it as a movie, I also loved the extreme product placement from Chrysler throughout the movie. It’s got be thinking about what the next company to place its entire lineup in Twisters will be. The product placement in that movie molded me in such a profound way, and I know I’m not the only one who feels that way.
Jalopnik’s own Steve DaSilva and I agree on literally two things: Twister is an awesome fuckin’ movie, and the red Dodge Ram 2500 hero car is one of the most badass vehicles ever to grace a screen.
The product placement in Twister is nothing short of shocking, but it’s so cool looking that it doesn’t matter. Every single scene with a car makes it look like the most bad-ass world conquering vehicle to every be produced... especially if it was a Chrysler product. So, sit back, relax and see exactly why Twister is the greatest car commercial ever produced.
Oh, and let us know what brand you think should take up the mantle for product placement in Twisters. (The answer is still Chrysler).