Here at Jalopnik, we love dishing out advice and tips to anyone that will listen, from lessons on how to avoid becoming a car hoarder to pointers on the best car to replace a Porsche with.
But not all advice is good advice. Sometimes, people dish out some of the worst car-related tips you’ve ever heard. And today, we’re looking for more shocking advice that you might have accidentally given out to friends and family.
Today, we’re asking for stories about the worst cars that you have recommended to someone, which they then went out and bought.
While I doubt anyone would willingly offer up bad advice to someone they cared about, these could be tales of times that cars maybe didn’t live up to the hype, weren’t as practical as you’d hoped or maybe had vital flaws nobody told you about.
Maybe you thought that a 2015 Ford Fiesta was a safe buy for anyone on the lookout for a dependable, city-center runaround. Until you learned about the car’s dreaded double-clutch transmission and the problems that persisted for anyone who bought one.
Alternatively, you might have forgotten to mention the reliability woes that plague almost every Alfa Romeo when you encouraged a friend to treat themselves to an Italian icon.
Or you might have told someone the Chevy Bolt was a good buy before you knew its batteries might fail and ignite the electrically-powered car.
These are the kind of mistaken advisories that we want to uncover today, advice that wasn’t meant with malice but ended up causing headaches and a never-ending list of issues for anyone who followed your tips.
With that in mind, let us know your stories about the worst cars you’ve recommended to people that they then actually went out and bought.