On Friday, as practice laps wound down for the Brickyard 400, Mike Harmon clipped Michael Annett’s bumper, ripping it right off. Annett expressed frustration, saying that talking the incident over with Harmon was “arguing with an idiot.”
Using his team’s Twitter account, Harmon, who says he apologized, had some choice words for Annett:
NASCAR is usually more interested in having disputes settled more amicably, and with Annett finishing a full 20 places ahead of Harmon on Saturday at Indianapolis, it seems like this particular tiff is in the bag.
Still, I think fast-casual parking lot showdowns are exactly the kind of thing NASCAR could use to bump up viewership. Between half-price appetizers and $1 Mai Tais, there’s a lot to like. When you add in racing driver beef and cup cars, you’re going to have a winning formula. I’m thinking burnout competitions? I just hope no retirees lose their appetite for with all that rubber smoke in the air.