I firmly believe that what the world is missing is more adorable, tiny cars. Sure, we all love those hefty cars whose feats of engineering prowess generate the kind of speed that takes your breath. But there’s also something to be said for the gentle comfort of a small car that doesn’t demand anything of you other than that you enjoy the ride. And that’s why I miss Lloyd Motor Works.
Back in 1950 a West German company named Lloyd Motor Works (or, if you prefer: Lloyd Motoren Werke GmbH) appeared on the mass-market scene. They, like Volkswagen and Opel, were producing small, cheap cars to appeal to the post-WWII market.
The Lloyd Motor Works cars were, well, a bit like the Yugo of their generation. You earned A Reputation for driving a Lloyd. As the Germans used to say: “Wer den Tod nicht scheut, fährt Lloyd.” “He who is not afraid of death drives a Lloyd.” They were cheap cars designed to get people mobile after the war—a purpose they served well at the time, but not one that could see them compete with Volkswagen and Opel as engineering tech started to get more advanced.
I, however, am a staunch defender of the Yugo, and now I’m here to defend Lloyd Motor Works. Sure, the Lloyd Alexander 600 only had nineteen horsepower, but that’s okay! It didn’t demand a damn thing out of you—you didn’t have go fast, you didn’t have to be powerful, you didn’t have to dominate the road. All you had to do was kick back cruise unhurried to your final destination.
Personally, I think the world would be a far more pleasant place to live if we had more cars like this. Cute little machines that give you the same warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you see a baby animal. Cheap cars unaffected by the hustle and bustle of daily life. With great power comes great responsibility—so why shake off the shackles of the daily grind with a tiny, minimally-powered car that’s just plain ol’ pleasant?
You can still find Lloyd cars popping up at auctions every now and again. A Lloyd Alexander 600 sold at RM Sotheby’s for a mere $13,800 in 2012. If we all start buying them up, maybe we can encourage the auto industry to give us a little dash of adorable in the market. Just maybe.