It’s the most wonderful time of the year. It’s the holiday season and the Formula E season is starting up after a steady withdrawal from regular racing. Is there a better way to celebrate this glorious occasion than by naming one of your cars Electro McElectroface? The answer is most certainly no.
Mahindra Racing has been one of FE’s constant teams, competing since the beginning—and, speaking from the perspective of a day-one FE fan, they’ve always been one of the fan-friendliest. They’ve been living up to their reputation recently. To bring in the series’ fifth season, Mahindra decided to run a contest to name their cars, letting fans vote.
Well, the fans have voted. And they have voted well.
According to a press note from the team’s social media representative, the team always names their cars, but this year, they decided to outsource that decision to social media. A shortlist of names were compiled into a Twitter poll for the final vote.
Jerome D’Ambrosio will be piloting the No. 64 car, which will be named Falcon. This one is a neat name, one that is cool and race-y and is apparently also the national symbol for Saudi Arabia, where the first race will be taking place.
But it’s the No. 94, the car to be piloted alternately by Felix Rosenqvist and Pascal Wehrlein. And that bad boy is most fittingly called Electro McElectroface. The Internet has spoken.
If you, Jalopnik Reader, are a frequent peruser of the vast interwebs, then you likely remember the Boaty McBoatface scandal. It’s one of the least-offensive names that the Internet could have compiled, but it was the most-voted-for option in a poll to name a polar expedition ship back in 2016. But, in the spirit of Serious No-Fun Ever Science, the ship was not allowed to have this most blessed name.
Mahindra, though, loves fun. One of their cars will most definitely, one hundred percent be called Electro McElectroface for the entirety of the 2018-2019 season.
Good work, Internet. You’ve done us a good.