Explosion on Italian Highway Bridge Injures More Than 50: Report (Updated)

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A highway explosion near Bologna, Italy, has caused a bridge to partially collapse and has left at least 20 injured, according to the Associated Press. Video purported to be captured from the site shows at least half the bridge destroyed.

Another report from the AP says at least 56 people were injured.

Video said to be captured from the site shows half the bridge demolished, while the other half looks to be seriously damaged.

The cause of the explosion is unclear at this time. We’ll update as we get more information.


Update: 10:20 a.m.: Reuters reports that the explosion occurred after two trucks collided on the bridge, sending a fireball into the sky. At least one person was killed, Reuters said, citing Italian media:

Police said they had closed off the road where the crash took place as well as the surrounding area in Borgo Panigale, on the outskirts of Bologna.

Italian media said a truck carrying cars collided on a bridge with another tanker truck containing inflammable materials.

Part of the bridge collapsed and the resulting explosion and fire spread to a carpark below the bridge, where several other vehicles caught fire and exploded.


Update, 10:31 a.m.: More video from the scene:


Update, 2:51 p.m: Video of the initial collision and subsequent explosion: