Bad decisions are made in the media world every day, and boy do I have one for you: we interrupt your regularly scheduled weekend programming to bring you a special bout of insanity from friend of the site and crapcan racer hero, Bill Caswell.
It’s the end of summer. It’s been a good month. In fact, at 9.5 million U.S. readers, it’s been Jalopnik’s best month ever, in our entire 13-year existence on the internet. We are grateful you keep coming back every day, because it’s reassuring to know there are people as crazy as we are out there in the world.
So as a thank-you to readers, I’m letting Bill do pretty much whatever he wants this weekend. He’ll be here posting about rally, the days when F1 didn’t suck, good car books you should read once you learn to read, and whatever the hell else is on his twisted mind.
Please enjoy, and try to stay sane.