It turns out, you can catch Pokémon on one of the world’s most daunting racetracks, the Nürburgring. Watch this Russian guy snag an Abra while blasting through the curves at ludicrous speeds in a BMW M3.
Pokémon Go has transfixed the entire world. People are getting into accidents to catch Squirtles, causing traffic jams for Digletts, and walking into people’s vacation pictures to snag Magikarps.
Now self-proclaimed “Russian Carmrade” Boosted Boris thinks he can fill his Pokéballs while riding passenger in a BMW M3 around the Nürburgring. And he’s right. He actually catches quite a few!
The whole video is hilarious. Boris rides along in a Ring Taxi, which he calls the “Pokétaxi.” Even before he steps in, though, he sees a Zubat and says “Let’s catch it. Let’s catch de Bausterd!”
Hopefully nobody gets the wrong idea from watching this video; the last thing we need is the Nürburgring crowded with rented M3s going 30 MPH for their Pokémon Go-playing passengers.