Comment Of The Day: 'Will Sell Cars For Food' Edition

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Automakers like to take car shows as an opportunity to investigate the competition’s wares, and show off their fancy stage displays. Some are “fancier” than others.

The Devil Drives a Rotary pontificates on the state of Mitsubishi’s stand at the Detroit Auto Show:

“So the Mercedes pavilion sits right next to the Audi pavilion, which stands in very stark contrast to Lincoln right next to it.”

“Which is in stark contrast to the Mitsubishi pavilion, which consists of two guys at a ramshackle booth between an iMIEV and a Mirage holding a cardboard sign with “will sell cars for food” written on it in permanent marker.”

Oh come on, it can’t be that bad! Then again, hey, did anyone actually see the Mitsubishi stand? You did? Can you skip back over there real quick and make sure they all made it home okay?


Just kidding Mitsubishi, we still love you. (Bring back the Pajero Evo!)

Speaking of love, The Devil Drives a Rotary is getting this classic track as their #commentoftheday prize. Crank it up and get the heck out of your office already!

Image via Mitsubishi

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