Our goals for the first season of Neat Stuff In Cool Cars were twofold: Make something that people would want to watch and have as much fun as possible. How do you think we did?
Our original idea was to shoot 10 episodes and we had a bunch of crazy ideas. Some worked. Some didn’t. Some never even got past pre-production. Somehow, we ended up with more than 10 episodes.
The full playlist is above, but the highlights for me were definitely Raph losing his mind, Parker teaching our friends to learn stick, Andy Carvin’s blooper reel, and Ballaban being honest about what it’s like to go to the track for the first time.
We’ll keep posting the occasional NSICC episode as we have things pop up, but we’re planning a crazy return to that show for our third season in the first quarter next year. What do you want to see? What do you not want to see? What can we do better?
Also, thanks to everyone who was involved, especially our producer Nicole Conlan, our shooters Devin, Stango, Roselli, and Jared, and everyone we bugged until they agreed to help us.
Contact the author at matt@jalopnik.com.