A Hit And Run Driver Wrecked A House And All They Left Are These Parts

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When somebody loses control and totally ruins someone's house, it's usually not very hard to find them as they tend to still be an unwanted guest in the house. But one person in Ottawa, Michigan managed to get away, and it's up to us to help find them – with nothing but the parts they left behind. UPDATE!

Deputy Josh Barton of the Ottawa County Sheriff's office reached out to us early this morning with the situation:

I am investigating an early morning hit and run. A darker red vehicle lost control on an icy road and absolutely wrecked a guy's house. The suspect vehicle left some parts behind with part numbers, but I'm lost beyond that. This really is my only hope at catching a lead at this point.

And here are the rest of the photos:

That last picture looks like a sideview mirror cover from something maybe like an older Ford Taurus, though that could be completely wrong.


Got any ideas as to what it could be? Hit us up at tips@jalopnik.com, leave it in the comments below, or reach out directly to Officer Barton at jbarton@miottawa.org.

You'd be all sorts of upset, too, if someone came to your house and drove a car into it.


UPDATE: They've got the car, and it sounds like you all were right! From Officer Barton:

Great news!

The suspect car was located a few miles away abandoned. A Maroon 2001 Chevy Impala. Thanks for everyone's help!


Congratulations, Jalops!