British Motoring Journalists, Ranked

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25. Lord Ebenezer Fimblegort

24. Nigel Tambling-Goggins

23. Liam "Bogger" Barrington

23. Sir Rupert Dalton Kingston-Thames

22. Pippa Thorncastle

21. Reginald Feldbottom

20. Cressida Ragamuffin

19. Neville Micklewhite

18. Dermot Riley O'Harddrinker

17. David St. Hubbins

16. Cedric Bifflegill

15. R.A.C. Landrover III (No relation to the automaker, of course)

14. Severus Snape

13. Hugh Cocksley-Slaydon, 2nd Baron Slough-Upon-Plant

12. Cornelius Wibblewright

11. John Cooper-Works

10. Elizabeth Llewelyn-Carburetor

9. Jethro Tull

8. Englebert Hesketh

7. Jeremy Clarkson

6. Graeme Bumbersnatch

5. Liam Neeson

4. Professor Cornelius Femberton

3. Malcolm Piffenthwaiththe

2. Iain Thompson-Thomas

1. Tom Smith

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