YOU NEED A TANK! The Pentagon's Having A Fire Sale For Cops

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You there, rural police department! Who's to say that chaos won't break out at your next strawberry festival? You need a tank, and the Department of Defense is here to give it to you! Everything must go, go, go!


In light of the heavy-handed (to put it nicely) tactics used by the police in Ferguson, Mo. — tactics that included patrolling in military vehicles and lobbing tear gas at TV news trucks — the YouTube channel of Libertarian magazine Reason put together this great video lampooning the Pentagon's 1033 program.


Well, it would be hilarious if it wasn't sad that this is the modern face of policing, an institution that originally was supposed to be non-militarized. But hey, everyone needs a tank, right? Especially the police in Fargo, North Dakota. God bless America, indeed!


Hat tip to Arthur!