Watch a rusty ZIL dump truck go off-roading and water fording to do its job, transporting tons of sand.
This truck may have a top speed of just 50 mph, but it'll get you through the worst terrain.
I love Soviet things. I love surprises. This truck? This truck is both. It’s a ZIL-130 truck with the 600 horsepower…
Visit your ZiL dealer today, comrade!
If you’re like most of us, you’re doing all you can to make your life as similar to Vladimir Putin’s as possible:…
Vladimir Putin loves to check out and even ride in the different vehicles that make up Russia’s national security…
It looks like a heavily armored (possibly production) variant of Zil’s wild armored car may have made it into…
As long as the airport in question is a frozen field somewhere in Kazakhstan and your plane happens to be the…
While Russian manufacturer Zavod imeni Likhachova—more commonly referred to as ZIL—might be best known for the buses…
When Boris Yeltsin became president of Russia he mothballed the stale Russian-built ZIL limousines and upgraded to…
We don't know if competitive bear wrestling is a thing, but if it were, we imagine that offroad racing Russian…
Once again, English Russia comes through with a great car photo.
If you don’t mind the atrocious handling, the office gray paintjob and the association with mankind’s greatest mass…
It has neither corkscrews for wheels nor chubby wings to fly it above the Caspian. Still, the ZIL–131 is one badass…
Whether you're wrenching on a flying Spitfire or a leaking Spitfire, Haynes has a shop manual for you. Very useful,…
When most Westerners think of ZIL, we think of the vehicles that carried top Party apparatchiks to their weekend…
Russian President Vladimir Putin is fast tightening his iron grip on the once proud nation. In a move not seen since…
While Ladas and Zastavas were all fine and good for the workers, the big shots rolled in a ZIL. The company was…
Hiho! The people at Geely have nailed down a contract with former ZIL unit Automobile and Motors of Ural to assemble…
Life in the USSR, circa 1951, wasn't all gulags and long lines for sausage rations. Nyet! Turns out some of Iosif…