As of 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, speed cameras are dead in New York City. Well, not dead exactly, but the city is no…
Speed cameras are an intrusion of a fascistic surveillance state on the motoring public, but perhaps even worse than…
Traffic cameras are bad. They are almost always naked schemes to raise government revenue, as opposed to devices…
A state representative in Rhode Island wants to get rid of speed cameras entirely after municipal courts were…
A French court has imposed a one-month driving suspension on 15 drivers after they were convicted of posting the…
It's been demonstrated that most speed limits are arbitrary and kind of pointless beyond fueling a money-making…
Today's lesson on how to remove a local speedcamera comes from the very pleasant city of Zurich back in 2008. The…
A speed trap at the end of June in Australia netted 987 tickets in about one hour. That's a 32,930 percent increase…
An unidentified senior in Sante Fe, New Mexico, apparently fed up with the city's unmanned speed camera truck,…
The folks at TomTom had good intentions when they shared anonymous traffic data with the Dutch government. They'll…
Privacy issues and lower-than-expected revenue encouraged Arizona to end their freeway speed camera program. This…
Rental car companies like Avis and Hertz are giving personal customer data to a company called American Traffic…
Arizona's controversial speed camera program ends after public concerns over the surveillance implications and…
Eat your heart out George Orwell, England has begun testing satellite-based speed cameras capable of recording…
TricPlate is a $550 electrochromic license frame designed to obfuscate license plates for "car show use" and…
Authorities have sent 37 speeding tickets to Dave Vontesmar, claiming he'd been captured each time by speed camera.…
Success was had on Wednesday in the fight against robotic roadway policing, the harbinger of Skynet, when a small…
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is proposing a system of speed cameras lining the state's freeways, targeting…
In this past week's episode of Top Gear, the boys awarded Peter Greenlagh, a city councilman in the little UK town…