Over the weekend, Indiana State Police Public Information Officer Sgt. Stephen Wheeles tweeted about pulling…
Ever wonder what times were like before any government agencies oversaw auto safety? Believe it or not, things…
More and more these days, consumers are being forced to sign Arbitration Agreements when they sign purchase…
You bought something that is defective - a car, boat or a washing machine. If the seller and the manufacturer…
If you ever get ripped off for a few thousand dollars, you might not be able to – or need to – hire an attorney. You…
Ever break a crankshaft? It's not the easiest thing to do and it will cost you quite a bit to repair. But that's…
From time to time I hear from someone whose car disappeared, only to find out it was towed away. And now, there is a…
A lot of my advice has focused on how not to get ripped off when buying a car, but I also get asked from time to…
You bring your car to a dealer for repair and when you pick it up it has a dent in it. The manager tells you to file…
Ever bought a car with a tampered odometer? Despite the existence of Carfax, Autocheck and the like, odometer fraud…
Remember when Chrysler went bankrupt? During the early days of that financial catastrophe, Chrysler tried stealing a…
Donald MacPherson was driving along in his Buick at 8 MPH when something went horribly wrong with one of the wheels…
You see an ad online that says "1965 Mustang, original owner, amazing condition, runs great. $1,000." The price is…
You buy a truck to pull your boat trailer and specifically ask the salesperson if it will do the job. He assures you…
You're driving along and you notice your fuel gauge is on E. You stop at a gas station and fill 'er up – and instead…
Erik Jonnaert, Secretary General of the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA), is proud to announce…
Driving is about freedom, and that's why we all love it so much. But freedom comes with responsibilities and rules…
The National Transportation Safety Board says more than half of the semi-trucks that hit pedestrians had no idea…
California took a big step in 2012 to effectively give the OK to autonomous cars on public roads. Now they're racing…
Rejoice, rejoice, people who have ever used a map! For it is now legal to use said map on that little device that is…