I am neither proud nor ashamed of my coffee habit. I learned to drive in the Seattle area as Starbucks was well on…
I’m tired. I’m sunburnt. I’m dirty. I’m a walking cornucopia of bad smells. I’m also in a better mood than ever,…
I’ll be honest: I usually don’t care about iOS updates until apps break or I get tired of dismissing reminders to…
My racecar was built with burritos. Hot, gooey, spicy, finger-lickin’-good burritos. It’s easy to eat with your…
If you ever wonder whether you still care about your “ran when parked” race car that you haven’t had time to look at…
Aww, yes: Harris Hill Road. My car lives here. I live here. (I have an apartment for stuff, but...haha, no.) This…
What do you do when you have a family emergency the week before a 24 Hours of LeMons race, and your folks tell you…
So, you bought a race car. Congratulations! Let me guess: you tossed out the blinker stalks to save weight, and…
All racing is endurance racing for the people whose blood, sweat and grease go into building and prepping a race…