There is no amount of reading into the history of General Motors that won’t bring up some comically incoherent…
The biggest hospital ship in the world will be heading to New York Harbor to help deal with the coronavirus…
Carriers are really, really big. Everyone says it, but until you see the whole carrier, sitting high and dry in an…
Japan, which at the start of World War II was the proprietor of the world’s mightiest aircraft carrier fleet, is…
After at least two high profile incidents in which U.S. Navy aircraft and ships spotted unusual flying objects near…
Last week, the Pentagon was abuzz with the news that the U.S. Navy had offered up a sacred cow: the early retirement…
The Russian Navy is in trouble. After years of coasting on the largesse of the Cold War, Russia’s navy is set to…
The Second World War ended in 1945, but you wouldn’t know it from the look of some navies. At least eight countries…
Few things besides being on the terrifying receiving end of the near-infinite might of our awesome missiles and guns…
Russia has had a lot of wonder weapons in the news, from combat walkers to nuclear-powered cruise missiles. Many of…
The U.S. Navy needs a new warship to replace its aging force of cruisers, and it wants to start buying them in five…
The U.S. Mid-Atlantic region is one of the most heavily armed places on Earth, home to aircraft carriers, nuclear…
The United Kingdom’s first new aircraft carrier in decades, HMS Queen Elizabeth, has crossed the pond. The mammoth…
When the world does eventually end, it probably won’t be with horses. It’ll probably come in the form of salvos of…
Remember when we found out the government spent millions of dollars on a program that discovered mysterious…
Seventeen American Navy Sailors were killed in a pair of collisions involving two guided-missile destroyers this…
You probably think being me is a walk in the park, don’t you? From the outside, it seems like life is just dandy:…
Just days before the USS John S. McCain was involved in the U.S. Navy’s latest collision-at-sea, the Navy released a…
This week the U.S. Navy published details on what it’s after for its next surface combatant, the FFG(X), or guided…
Something tragic happened off the coast of Japan on June 17th. It’s not entirely clear how it happened, but seven …